Friday, May 27, 2011

Importance of Technology on the Internal Body System

In our society today, Technology has seemed to impact the importance of various internal digestive, circulatory and respiratory body systems. With all the countless benefits from technology such as, health care, health administration, and alternative care delivery systems, our world will soon turn into a technology everything! The computers and different devices play such a huge role when it comes to the amount of health care personnel today and it is slowly impacting our health care costs because there will always be a continuation of improvement in productivity. With more and more technology being brought into our society, future doctors and surgeons will have an easier and more greater appreciation for what technology can offer.

Devices like x-ray's, ultra sounds, and MRI scans can really help patients in any situation. Patient records of their past appearances can be quickly brought out using a PDA or even a PC. When a patient is on his or her way to hospitals there can be pictures sent by paramedics from the accident site to help the emergency hospital assess and prepare for treatment when the patient is on his or her way to the hospital.

Importance of technology in health care sector has helped us develop many ways of diagnosing dangerous diseases. The vaccinations, drugs and medicines developed with great amount of research with technology has helped to save the life of millions of people across the globe. This has increased the survival rate in all parts of the world. Technological advancement in field of medicine has helped patients from backward nations get good health care facilities.

X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation, just like visible light. The machine sends the individual x-ray particles called photons. When the particles past through the body a computer orspecial film records the images that are created.The parts of your body appear light or dark due to the different rates that your tissues absorb the X-rays. Calcium in bones absorbs X-rays the most, so bones look white on the radiograph. Fat and other soft tissues absorb less, and look gray. Air absorbs least, so lungs look black. X-rays examinations are quick and easy and the amount of exposure to radiation is slight.

Ultrasounds involve exposing part of the body to high-frequency sound waves to produce pictures of the inside of the body. Ultrasound exams do not use ionizing radiation because ultrasound images are captured in real-time and they can show the structure and movement of the body's internal organs, as well as blood flowing through blood vessels. Ultrasounds are used when a mother checks if her baby is a boy or girl during the months before birth.

There is also something called a CT (computerized tomography) scanner that is a specialized X-ray machine that sends out single X-rays through your body that are sent with several beams simultaneously from different angles. This scanner is designed to to take pictures of any part of any part of your body. The CT scanner is good at testing for bleeding in the brain, aneurysms, brain tumors and brain damages. In addition the CT scanner can be used to look into internal injuries such as a torn kidney, or bone injury.

All in all, technology has made a huge impact in our world today. The CT scanner, X-rays and ultra sounds are used for the benefit of doctors and patients in our society. Each and everyday these technologies continue to develop and grow into a more sufficient system. The improvement in our health care system, is very essential to the increasing human population.


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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Feeding a Growing Population vs Conserving Biodiversity

Food is a basic a necessity all humans want and need to survive. But do you ever ask yourself where we get this food? It is obvious this food comes from the farms but however do you know how it's made in the farms and factories? How do we know we'll have enough food for the millions of people in our world?

In our world today, the human population is growing faster and faster and many people are thinking there won't be enough food for everybody! There are very high demands of the global human population increasing and the consumer demand is changing agriculture each and everyday. With this being said they turn to Industrial Agriculture! I think Industrial Agriculture isn't the right way at all to produce your food. I believe it's unsafe and just not right, Luckily there is another option called Sustainable Agriculture which I believe is a much more easier and better method in producing food.

Industrial agriculture views the farm as a factory with, let's just say "inputs." These Factories may use pesticides, feed, fertilizer, and fuel and "outputs" such as corn, chickens, and so forth. Their goal is to increase the size and amount of animals, so they can grow faster and make more money. I find this absolutely wrong! You shouldn't give an animal steroids just for it to grow faster, stronger and bigger.

There are many purported benefits of this industrial approach, such as lower food prices for consumers, cheap feed for animal factory farms, a potential energy source to replace foreign oil, and substantial exports to foreign markets. We should really think about our environment and how it will affect it greatly! However industrial agriculture isn't the only method of agriculture. There is also a sustainable approach which

embraces a wide range of techniques, including organic, free-range, low-input, holistic, and biodynamic.

A sustainable approach, based on understanding agriculture as an ecosystem, promises sufficient produce without sacrificing the environment. This is a much better method for farms as they minimize tilling and water usage, encourage healthy soil by planting fields with different crops year after year, and avoiding pesticide use. However it is said that Industrial agriculture is one of the best inventions ever made for the costs and benefits! I believe it's great how you can get cheaper food, greater ability of labour, environmental, economic, and industrial agricultural costs.

Agriculture plays a big part in our world! I think as humans we should not take advantage of what is given to us. It is proven that our population is growing rapidly and should really understand what can happen to us as time goes on. It's obvious Sustainable Agriculture is the right way to go. Animals should not be injected with any kind of steroid or substance just so it will make it bigger because in the long run that can effect us humans too! Sustainable agriculture may be a slower and harder way to produce food today, but you know what? I believe it's a more safer and sufficient way. And besides, I don't mind paying an extra few bucks just so I know where my food is coming from and if it's safe to consume or not.


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