Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"Designer Babies"

The term "Designer babies"has become a trending answer to many people today. Designer babies are perfect embryos changed into the ideal baby that is created in your needs. Parents ask themselves, "Should we go for the brown haired with blue eyes? Tall or short? Funny or clever? Girl or boy? And with all that should we make him/her into a muscle-bound sports hero? Or an innocent and smart book worm?" In my opinion this is so stupid! Babies are supposed to be created from their parents' genes and past hereditary and not from genetic processes into their bodies. You should be able to accept the characteristics of your daughter or son that God has given to them, and not change their whole figure for your own sake.

This designer baby with her Blue Eyes

However, on the other hand I find it pretty neat to be able to check before hand if your child has a certain disease-bearing gene. I believe in supporting the use of allowing couples at risk to have healthy children. Any parent would want to check if their children is alright and well (I know for a fact I would) So when they use this system for the positive, it's only right! Nevertheless when parents use this system for non-medical purposes and for the point to change cosmetic aspect, that's when I think it isn't needed. If we continue to use this system I think our world will get brainwashed into always being perfect and would want their kids to be the perfect of them all, when in actual fact we should all accept flaws because that's life and that's how we live. You never know how your daughter or son could look like after going through the process of cosmetic procedure.

Having a cosmetic designer baby could result in your child having certain diseases in their future life. You never know what they put in your babies' bodies to change their characteristics. Your child's future baby may lose genetic variability and may even increase the chance for their own kids to get some kind of genetic diseases. Your parents may like the method of "Designing your baby" but what happens if you get affected by it in the future? You never know what could happen. Technology is getting more and more advanced til the day. I believe designing your baby isn't what God would want in the Catholic Faith. Your kids should be made from your own previous genes, and not from fake features.


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